

Experiences & brands we've crafted.
// GET is the verb we're using to GET data from Xano'GET', url, true) // When the 'request' or API request loads, do the following... request.onload = function() { // Store what we get back from the Xano API as a variable called 'data' and converts it to a javascript object let data = JSON.parse(this.response) // Status 200 = Success. Status 400 = Problem. This says if it's successful and no problems, then execute if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) { // Map a variable called cardContainer to the Webflow element called "Cards-Container" const cardContainer = document.getElementById("Cards-Container") // This is called a For Loop. This goes through each object being passed back from the Xano API and does something. // Specifically, it says "For every element in Data (response from API), call each individual item restaurant" data.forEach(restaurant => { // For each restaurant, create a div called card and style with the "Sample Card" class const style = document.getElementById('samplestyle') // Copy the card and it's style const card = style.cloneNode(true) card.setAttribute('id', ''); = 'block'; // When a restuarant card is clicked, navigate to the item page by passing the restaurant id card.addEventListener('click', function() { document.location.href = "/item?id=" +; }); // For each restaurant, Create an image and use the restaurant image coming from the API const img = card.getElementsByTagName('IMG')[0] img.src = restaurant.banner.url + "?tpl=big:box"; // using Xano's template engine to re-size the pictures down and make them a box // For each restaurant, create an h3 and set the text content to the restaurant's title const h3 = card.getElementsByTagName('H3')[0] h3.textContent =; // For each restaurant, create an paragraph and set the text content to the restaurant's description const p = card.getElementsByTagName('P')[0] p.textContent = `${restaurant.description.substring(0, 240)}` // Limit to 240 chars // Place the card into the div "Cards-Container" cardContainer.appendChild(card); }) } } // Send Restaurant request to API request.send(); } // This fires all of the defined functions when the document is "ready" or loaded (function() { getRestaurants(); })();